High Interest of Students to Visit UIN Jakarta Library: What Are They Looking For?
High Interest of Students to Visit UIN Jakarta Library: What Are They Looking For?

News Online Perpus UIN Jkt - Last week, UIN Jakarta Library recorded high interest of students to visit. Based on data obtained from Priyo Supriyadi, S.IP., Information System and IT Manager of UIN Jakarta Library, during the period of September 19-26, 2024, a total of 2,901 visits were recorded. Of these, students of the Faculty of Ushuluddin became the most visited, 733 students were recorded visiting the library.

Based on the results of research and direct interviews with several library visitors, there are various interests and reasons for students to visit the library.

Gambar_touch & go mobile Perpustakaan UIN Jakarta

Digital Innovation is a Library Magnet
There are various reasons behind the high interest of students to come to the library. One of the factors that attract students' attention is the Digital Innovation offered by UIN Jakarta Library. Diana, a student of the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences, revealed that the reason she came to the library was to find out the latest innovations that can support the learning process. “I am curious about the digital innovations provided by the library. I want to know what can help me in my studies,” said Diana, when met in the lobby of the library on Tuesday (24/9).
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- Students are intruduced 'Touch & Go Mobile Library' ... >>
- What is the 'Touch & Go Mobile Library'? >>

It is known, one of the Digital Innovations carried out by UIN Jakarta Library is the 'Touch & Go Mobile Library' Application, this application is a mobile-based digital library that allows the UIN Jakarta academic community to access thousands of collections of books, journals, e-books, and other academic resources with just a touch of a finger. With 'Touch & Go Mobile Library', everything is at hand, anytime and anywhere.

Gambar_Ruang Karya Ilmiah Akademik Perpustakaan UIN Jakarta

Thesis Focus and Quality e-journals
The library is also a favorite place for students who want to focus on their academic work. Arvian, a student of the Faculty of Sharia and Law, stated that he often comes to the library to complete his thesis. “In the library, I can concentrate more and look for quality e-journal references to support my research,” he said, when met on Wednesday (25/9) on the 6th floor of the academic scientific works collection. The existence of e-journals and access to various academic databases is an attraction for students who need scientific references.
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- How to access e-journals subscribed by the Library? ... >>

It is important to note that UIN Jakarta Library subscribes to a collection of quality and internationally reputable e-journals, to support the academic community in writing scientific papers. With easy access to the latest research from various parts of the world, academicians can write with a strong theoretical foundation, up-to-date data, and enrich global insights. For more information, what e-journals are subscribed and how to access the e-journals? please click >> subscribed e-journals

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Computer Facilities, Helping Students Who Don't Have Laptops
In addition to digital innovations and reference collections, physical facilities are also a reason for visits. Syahda, a student of the Faculty of Ushuluddin, admitted that she often comes to the library to utilize the computer facilities because she does not have a laptop. “I don't have a laptop, so I can use the computer facilities to do my assignments,” he said, when met on Thursday (19/9) in the multimedia room on the 5th floor of the library building.

Please note, there are 15 computers that visitors can use. This computer facility (multimedia room) is located on the 5th floor of the UIN Jakarta Library building.

With various services and facilities that continue to be improved, UIN Jakarta Library is increasingly becoming the main destination for students who want to utilize their study time effectively. The digital innovations presented also attract students to visit and utilize library services more.

It's where you can find tranquillity in a quiet setting, explore a world without borders, and brilliant ideas. Each visit can be a new adventure, and a moment of reflection that encourages you to pursue your dreams. So, remember that the library is not just a place to study, but a place to find inspiration and joy in words. *RMr