UIN Jakarta Library Galleries is a place that displays the contribution of UIN Jakarta figures in the world of Islam and Science. This gallery presents a wealth of literacy, both in terms of Islamic literature and science, as well as showing a variety of cultural heritage that is a strong foundation for the intellectual development of UIN Jakarta. By presenting various works and historical documentation, this gallery provides opportunities for the UIN Jakarta academic community to explore and understand science through various media and perspectives, and create a space full of inspiration and innovation.
Rector over time
Period | Name Rector |
1957 - 1960 | Prof. Dr. H. Mahmud Yunus >> |
1960 - 1963 | Prof. Mr. Sunario Sastrowardoyo |
1963 - 1969 | Prof. Drs. H. Soenardjo bin H. Abu Ngusman |
1969 - 1970 | Prof. Dr. H. Bustami Abdul Gani |
1970 - 1973 | Prof. H. M. Toha Yahya Omar, M.A |
1973 - 1984 | Prof. Dr. Harun Nasution |
1984 - 1992 | Drs. H. Ahmad Syadali |
1992 - 1998 | Prof. Dr. H. M. Quraish Shihab, M.A |
1998 | Prof. Dr. H. Ahmad Sukardja, S.H, M.A |
1998 - 2006 | Prof. Dr. Azyumardi Azra, M.A |
2006 - 2015 | Prof. Dr. Komaruddin Hidayat |
2015 - 2019 | Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada |
2019 - 2023 | Prof. Dr. Hj. Amany Burhanuddin Umar Lubis, Lc, M.A |
2023 - Sekarang | Prof. Dr. Asep Saepudin Jahar, M.A, PhD |
Figure of UIN Jakarta