Ramadan Dzuhur Lecture: Self Introspection for a Calmer Heart
Ramadan Dzuhur Lecture: Self Introspection for a Calmer Heart

Gd. UIN Jakarta Library, Ramadan Activities 1446 H - Wednesday (05/03), the Ramadan dzuhur cultum this time, delivered by Mrs. Hayatunnisa, S.IP, with the theme 'Self Introspection for a Calmer Heart'.

In his tausiyah, he reminded us that life in this world is only temporary, so arrogance and the desire to always be more than others are not beneficia.

Kultum Dzuhur Ramadhan (1)“Sometimes we focus too much on the judgment of others, when what is more important is how we improve ourselves. By knowing ourselves, we can be calmer in living our lives,” said Ms. Hayatunnisa.

One of the essence of self-introspection is to understand who we really are. In Islamic teachings, humans are often reminded that life in this world is a temporary journey towards an eternal afterlife. Therefore, being too fixated on the world, prestige, and the judgment of others can actually keep us away from inner peace.

Mrs. Hayatunnisa emphasized that pride is one of the diseases of the heart that can prevent a person from knowing himself. Pride not only keeps a person away from other humans, but also from the grace of Allah SWT. Therefore, the month of Ramadan is the right time to reflect, self-correct, and try to improve the heart to be more humble and grateful.

At the end of the tausiyah, the month of Ramadan is the best time to reflect on our life journey, correct our shortcomings, and get closer to Allah SWT. As the message conveyed in this cultum, there is no point in feeling more than others, because the most important thing in the sight of Allah is devotion and sincerity. *RMr

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