Mahmud Yunus: Pillar of Islamic Education in Indonesia, First Rector of ADIA/IAIN/UIN 1957-1960
Mahmud Yunus: Pillar of Islamic Education in Indonesia, First Rector of ADIA/IAIN/UIN 1957-1960

UIN Jakarta Library - Mahmud Yunus (old spelling: Mahmoed Joenoes, February 10, 1899 - January 16, 1982) was one of the most influential figures of Islamic education in Indonesia, especially through his role as the First Rector of the Akademi Dinas Ilmu Agama (ADIA) from 1957 to 1960. ADIA, now known as Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta, is a higher education institution that played an important role in the development of Islamic studies and religious education in Indonesia.

Background and Education
Born in Nagari Sungayang Tanah Datar, Minangkabau on February 10, 1899, he grew up in a very religious environment. Since childhood, he has shown his love and passion for religious knowledge and studied in traditional Islamic schools. He then continued his education to Egypt, where he attended Al-Azhar University, one of the oldest and most influential Islamic educational institutions in the world. At Al-Azhar, Mahmud Yunus not only studied religious sciences but also came into contact with modern thoughts, which later influenced his approach and vision towards Islamic education in Indonesia.

First Rector of ADIA (1957-1960)
On June 1, 1957, the Ministry of Religious Affairs established the Akademik Dinas Ilmu Agama (ADIA) in Jakarta. Mahmud Yunus was appointed as the first Rector of ADIA, accompanied by Bustami Abdul Gani as Vice Rector. As Head of the Religious Education Institute at the Religious Education Ministry, he proposed to the Minister of Religion that ADIA Jakarta be integrated with PTAIN Yogyakarta. After obtaining the approval of Minister of Religious Affairs Wahib Wahab, the President issued Presidential Regulation No. 11 of 1960 concerning the establishment of the State Islamic Institute (IAIN), which integrated ADIA and PTAIN into one religious university under the Ministry of Religious Affairs. IAIN scientifically provides education as well as teaching, research, and community service in the field of Islamic science.

The first IAIN was opened with four faculties, two of which were located in Jakarta, namely the Faculty of Tarbiyah and the Faculty of Adab. Yunus served as Dean of the Faculty of Tarbiyah. Next, based on Decree of the Minister of Religious Affairs No. 49 of 1963 dated February 25, 1963, a second IAIN was established, based in Jakarta.

His leadership at ADIA became an important foundation for the development of Islamic education in Indonesia. To this day, Mahmud Yunus' contribution is still felt, especially through his thoughts that are relevant in the development of contemporary Islamic education. Under his leadership, ADIA developed into an Islamic higher education institution that is now known as UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, one of the leading Islamic universities in Indonesia.

Works and Thoughts
Besides serving in the world of education as a rector, Mahmud Yunus is also known as a prolific writer. One of his important works is Tafsir al-Qur'anul Karim, which has become an important reference in Islamic studies in Indonesia. This book shows Mahmud Yunus' commitment to the development of tafsir that not only views the Qur'an from a traditional perspective, but also tries to understand its relevance to the modern context.

In addition, he was also known as a thinker who always encouraged the integration between religion and science. In his book Sejarah Pendidikan Islam, Mahmud Yunus emphasized the importance of Muslims being able to compete in the modern world while adhering to religious values. It was this idea that he implemented during his tenure at ADIA.

Mahmud Yunus's Legacy for Islamic Education in Indonesia
Mahmud Yunus' intellectual legacy and dedication to Islamic education is still felt today. His thoughts are an inspiration for the development of Islamic education in Indonesia, especially in higher education institutions such as UIN.

Mahmud Yunus has also paved the way for Islamic scholars in Indonesia to promote Islamic education that is inclusive and relevant to the times. In the midst of the challenges of globalization, Islamic education in Indonesia is now increasingly gaining ground, thanks to the strong foundation that has been laid by figures such as Mahmud Yunus.

As the first rector of ADIA, Mahmud Yunus contributed greatly to the development of Islamic education in Indonesia. His intellectual legacy lives on to this day, and his name is still remembered as one of the pillars of Islamic education in Indonesia. *RMr


Source :
- Irhash A. Shamad., Tokoh Pendidikan Islam: Prof. Dr. H. Mahmud Yunus (1899-1982),