Let's find out, what is Al-Manhal
Let's find out, what is Al-Manhal

UIN Jakarta Library - UIN Jakarta Library's commitment continues to improve access and quality of services, one of which is introducing various e-resources subscribed to the academic community, especially for students. One of the digital resources of interest is Al-Manhal, a platform that provides access to thousands of academic publications from the Arab and Islamic world.

Lismawarni Dewi, Librarian of UIN Jakarta, in the Literacy Class held on Monday (9/9) at the 7th floor meeting room, explained that Al-Manhal is one of the academic databases that is very rich in academic literature, covering various fields of knowledge such as Islamic studies, law, history, literature, and many more. Al-Manhal provides access to e-books, journals, conference proceedings, reports, and other documents relevant to the study and research in the field of Islam and the Arab world,” said Lismawarni Dewi in a presentation before hundreds of new students of the Faculty of Ushuluddin UIN Jakarta.

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Al-Manhal e-resource is a digital database platform that provides access to a wide range of academic and reference content in Arabic, including e-books, journals, articles, theses, and various other research materials. Al-Manhal is recognized as one of the largest providers of academic content in the Arab world, designed to support education, research and reference needs in various fields of knowledge.

Similar to what was conveyed in the previous session by Hayatunnisa, all e-resource access subscribed by UIN Jakarta Library can be accessed in two ways, access outside the UIN Jakarta campus, and access within the UIN Jakarta campus area.

“For access to e-resources al-Manhal can only be accessed within the UIN Jakarta Campus area” said Dewi, her nickname. “What can you (students) search and find from this al-Manhal?” Asked Dewi who is an Alumni of UIN Jakarta Library Science.

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Extensive Collection and Search Features. On the main page of al-Manhal, users can use the search feature to find the desired content. Users can enter keywords, author names, or titles to search for specific e-books, articles, or journals. It offers various types of academic materials from different disciplines, including social sciences, humanities, science, technology, and business.

Filter and Categorization. This e-resource provides the option to filter search results by category, document type, topic, or language. This makes it easier for users to find more specific content according to their needs.

Language Support. Most of the content is available in Arabic, but it is also available in English or other languages.

“e-resource al-Manhal adalah database akademik yang dirancang khusus untuk akademisi, peneliti, dan mahasiswa yang memerlukan akses ke materi akademik dalam bahasa Arab. Platform ini sangat mendukung pengembangan pengetahuan dan penelitian di berbagai bidang ilmu, menyediakan sumber daya yang penting untuk studi dan penelitian, terutama yang berhubungan dengan dunia Arab atau yang memerlukan referensi dalam bahasa Arab.” pungkas Dewi.

al-Manhal e-resource is an academic database designed specifically for academics, researchers and students who need access to academic materials in Arabic. This platform strongly supports the development of knowledge and research in various fields of study, providing essential resources for study and research, especially those related to the Arab world or those requiring references in Arabic.” Dewi concluded.

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Please note, this literacy class is attended by all new students of the Faculty of Ushuluddin for the 2024/2025 academic year, every day, until September 13, 2024. Various materials, ranging from the introduction to the use of libraries, online catalogs (OPAC), access to e-resources, to references management tools. In addition to the presentation of material that will be delivered by UIN Jakarta Librarians, new students are immediately practiced on how to use it.

Activities like this, part of UIN Jakarta's PBAK 2024 which will continue until November 23, 2024, with various other interesting activities that aim to equip new students with the knowledge and skills needed during their studies. *RMr