Upgrade Technology: Design Digital Library Migration for Optimal Services
Upgrade Technology: Design Digital Library Migration for Optimal Services

UIN Jakarta Library Building, News Online - Digital transformation is increasingly becoming a major requirement in the academic world. In an effort to improve digital services, UIN Jakarta Library is designing a digital library infrastructure migration to provide more optimal access for the UIN Jakarta academic community.

In a presentation that took place today, Thursday (27/02) in the meeting room on the 3rd floor of UIN Jakarta Library building, Mr. Indra Sitorus as a digital application service provider from Aksaramaya, explained the concept of migrating a more modern and responsive digital library system.

The presentation was welcomed by the Head of UIN Jakarta Library, Agus Rifai, Ph.D., who emphasized the importance of digital transformation in the academic world. “This step - Digital Library Migration, is part of supporting a more inclusive and sustainable digital learning ecosystem,” said Agus Rifai.

Rancang Migrasi Perpustakaan Digital_Furthermore, in his presentation, Mr. Indra also explained in detail how the process of migrating digital infrastructure is more modern and responsive, so that it will get a more comfortable experience in accessing academic resources.

This migration step is not just a service improvement, but a long-term investment to create a more modern and adaptive digital-based academic environment.

This meeting was also attended by PUSTIPANDA, -Hibatul Wafi and Rizal Wiedha Verika, from the UIN Jakarta website application programming system.

At the end of the discussion session, Agus Rifai emphasized that this migration plan is part of the campus' strategy in facing the digitalization era of education. “We want to create a more dynamic and technology-based academic environment. Digital library transformation is not just an innovation, but also a necessity. We want to ensure that the UIN Jakarta academic community can access information more efficiently and effectively, Agus Rifai concluded. *RMr

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