Updated Fasting Scientific Research? Check the UIN Jakarta Library Database!
Gd. UIN Jakarta Library, Tips for Literacy - Are you looking for the latest scientific references on fasting? UIN Syarif Hidayatulllah Jakarta Library provides complete access to various journals, books, updated research -related to fasting from the perspective of Islam, health, psychology to social culture.
Mudianah Mahmud, S.IP., as the Coordinator of Collection Development at UIN Jakarta Library, emphasized that the library continues to enrich its academic database so that library friends can obtain quality and reliable sources.
“We have thousands of collections that can be accessed through the library database. You can find updated research that discusses fasting from various aspects, ranging from fiqh studies, health to its impact on psychology and social. All can be accessed through our digital collection,” explained Mudianah, when interviewed in her office (3rd floor Gd. UIN Jakarta Library), Thursday (06/03).
Here are some e-resources that the UIN Jakarta Library Team has successfully searched.

To access the UIN Jakarta Library database, be sure to use ‘MapMyAccess’ to enjoy full access to the entire collection.
Here's How to Easily Access ‘MapMyAccess’ e-resources of UIN Jakarta Library
- Visit the Official Website https://uinjkt.mapmyaccess.com/ through your device's browser.
- Then, click Login using Microsoft Outlook, with email ...@uinjkt.ac.id
- After successfully logging in, find E-Resources according to the needs of the academic community.
Don't miss this opportunity! Enhance your academic knowledge with quality and reliable scientific sources from UIN Jakarta Library. Find the best references for your research! *RMr
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