This is how the books are Maintained and Cared for at UIN Jakarta Library
This is how the books are Maintained and Cared for at UIN Jakarta Library

perpuspedia UIN Jkt - Libraries are the heart of educational institutions, including UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. The quality of the existing book collection greatly affects the teaching-learning process, even research. Therefore, the maintenance and care of books is a very important task. Abas Khaidir, Preservation Expert at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, shares tips on how to keep the book collection in the Library in good condition.

Environmental Control
According to Abas Khaidir, environmental control is a crucial first step in book preservation. “The temperature and humidity of the room must be maintained properly,” said Abas Khaidir when met in his office on the 3rd floor of UIN Jakarta Library building. Ideally, the room temperature should be between 18-22 degrees Celsius, with a relative humidity of 44-45%. An environment that is too humid can cause mold growth, while humidity that is too low can make the paper brittle.

Proper Storage
Books, or collection materials, should be stored on sturdy and clean shelves. Abas (his nickname) explains that books should be arranged vertically and not stacked too high to avoid damage to the spine. “The shelves should also be large enough to accommodate books of various sizes without causing pressure on the covers or pages,” Abas added.

Special Treatment for Rare Books
Rare and valuable books receive special treatment at UIN Jakarta Library. Abas Khaidir said, “The books are stored in a special room with stricter climate and temperature control.” In addition, rare books are also often digitized to reduce the frequency of physical handling that can cause damage.

Routine Cleaning
Regular cleaning is also a very important part of book care and maintenance. “We use a soft brush to remove dust from the surface of the book,” Abas explains while practicing how to clean a book. Dust and dirt can damage the paper and make it more susceptible to damage. In addition, the library area is also cleaned regularly to maintain a clean storage environment.

Repair and Restoration
It is inevitable that some books will suffer damage over time. For this reason, UIN Jakarta Library has a special team that handles book repair and restoration. “This process involves a variety of techniques, from re-stitching loose pages to repairing damaged covers,” says Abas. The materials used in the restoration process are also carefully selected so as not to damage the book.

Education and Awareness
Abas Khaidir also emphasized the importance of education and awareness among library users. “We often conduct training and workshops, and even provide assistance to students who want to study and do field practice, especially the Library Science Study Program of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities, on how to handle books properly,” he said. The library users are urged not to fold pages, write in books or bring food and drinks that can damage the collection of library materials.

workshop on Preservation of Library Materials Collection of Library Science Study Program Students, Faculty of Adab and Humanities (FAH)
(@UIN Jkt Library - June 10, 2024)

By implementing these measures, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Library strives to keep its book collection in the best possible condition. This effort not only protects the valuable investment in books, but also ensures that future generations can still enjoy and utilize the knowledge stored in them (books). (RMr)