SNBP UIN Jakarta 2025: A Golden Opportunity Without Test for Prospective Library Science Students
UIN Jakarta Library, News Online - For prospective students who aspire to study library science, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta provides a golden opportunity without a test for prospective students through the National Selection Based on Prestas (SNBP) in 2025.
Maryulisman, S.IP., Coordinator of Information Services at UIN Jakarta Library, said that this is a golden opportunity for those who are interested in studying at UIN Jakarta Library Science Study Program without going through a written exam.
“Through the UIN Jakarta Library Science Study Program, this opens up golden opportunities for those - prospective students, who have an interest in exploring the field of library science,” said Maryulisman, when met in his office, Monday (10/02), UIN Jakarta Library Building.
Please note, the Library Science Study Program is part of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities (FAH). As reported by the official website, the Library Science Study Program aims to produce graduates who are able to develop information systems based on Information and Communication Technology (ICT), manage libraries efficiently, and conduct theoretical and applied studies in the world of librarianship.
Graduates are expected not only to be able to manage libraries professionally, but also to conduct theoretical and applied studies in the field of librarianship, which is increasingly relevant in the fast-moving world of information technology.
According to information from the official SNPB website, this selection applies the principles of transparency, efficiency, and accountability, to ensure that the admission process is conducted fairly and without conflict of interest. The SNBP pathway provides the opportunity for top-performing students to join without the need to take an exam, simply by considering the results of academic and non-academic achievement tracking.
For prospective students who have outstanding achievements, this is a golden opportunity to continue their education in the field of Library Science without having to go through a test exam, with a simpler selection system but still prioritizing quality and fairness. *RMr
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