Ramadan Dzuhur Lecture: Understanding the Meaning of 'Fasting' to Achieve Piety
Gd. UIN Jakarta Library, Ramadan Activities 1446 H - In the blessed atmosphere of Ramadan, UIN Jakarta Library again held Kultum Dzuhur. On this occasion, Thursday (06/03) delivered by Mrs. Mudianah Mahmud, S.IP., with the theme “Understanding the Meaning of Fasting to Achieve Piety to Allah SWT.”
In her tausiyah, Ibu Mudianah emphasized that Ramadan fasting is not only limited to enduring hunger and thirst, but a spiritual journey to form a more patient, sincere and pious person.
He quoted the word of Allah in Surah Al-Baqarah verse 183, which emphasizes that the main purpose of fasting is to form a pious person:
“O you who believe, it is obligatory upon you to fast as it was obligatory upon those who were before you, that you may fear Allah.” (QS. Al-Baqarah verse 183)
In this Kultum, Mrs. Mudianah also reminded herself and also invited the jama'ah, by fasting with full sincerity, one can improve his relationship with Allah SWT, and improve morals in everyday life.
Finally, by understanding the values of fasting more deeply, not only as a religious obligation, but also as a means of character building and piety. *RMr
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