Latest E-Books March 2025: The Faithful Friend of the Online Learning!
Newest E-Book Collection - UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Library has again updated the latest e-book collection - Friday, March 14, 2025, to support student learning activities. The five latest digital books are present as quality references in various fields of science, ranging from education, da'wah, to law.
According to Lina Farida, S.Pd., UIN Jakarta Librarian who is also the E-Book Manager, said “the latest e-book collection is carefully selected to be relevant to academic needs,” she said when delivering the five latest e-book collections, Friday (14/03).
Here, five new e-book collections that are ready to accompany your friends at UIN Jakarta Library.

The book "Manajemen Sistem Informasi Pondok Pesantren" as authored by Maimunah, Ahmad Syukri, and Syahran Jailani is a comprehensive guide to the application of management information systems in the Islamic boarding school environment. This book highlights how information systems can be used as a strategic tool in decision-making to improve the quality of education services in pesantren.
The author discusses the various steps in implementing a management information system, from the formation of the development team to the planning and implementation of the system. The three main steps highlighted in this book include:
- Build a Development Team. The first step in building an effective information system is to form a team responsible for planning and managing the system.
- Information System Concept Planning. The author emphasizes the importance of careful planning to ensure that the system built can optimally meet the needs of the pesantren.
- Meeting with Stakeholders. Feedback from stakeholders is an important part of system development to ensure that the system implemented is in line with user needs.
Overall, the book "Manajemen Sistem Informasi Pondok Pesantren" is very useful for pesantren managers, academics, and practitioners who are interested in the field of information system management in religious-based educational institutions. With a systematic and relevant delivery, this book can be the main reference in building and managing pesantren information systems effectively. However, readers who expect a deeper study of case studies or technical aspects may need to look for additional references.
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The book "Logika & Konsep Dasar: Dalam Menyelesaikan Masalah Matematika Sederhana" authored by Fajar Hariyono offers a new approach in understanding and solving math problems. Instead of simply memorizing formulas, the author invites readers to develop a logical mindset and understand basic concepts in mathematics in depth.
Math is often considered difficult because many students only focus on memorizing formulas without understanding the logical flow in solving them. This book comes as a solution for those who want to learn math in a more systematic and rational way. Some of the main materials covered include:
- Number Operations. How to explain the basic concepts of numbers and their operations with a logical approach.
- Comparison. Helps readers understand the concept of proportion and how to compare values rationally.
- Social Arithmetic. Connecting math concepts to everyday life, such as calculating discounts, profits and interest.
- Rows and Sequences. Provides an understanding of number patterns and their relationships in various situations.
Overall, "Logika & Konsep Dasar: Dalam Menyelesaikan Masalah Matematika Sederhana" is a very useful book for students and anyone who wants to understand math from a more logical point of view. With a systematic approach that does not rely on memorizing formulas, this book can help change the way readers view math to be more positive and easy to understand. This book is highly recommended for those who want to deepen the logic of mathematics in a more fundamental way!
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"Kompetensi Pedagogik" book authored by Sinar is an essential guide for educators who want to improve the quality of their teaching through an in-depth understanding of learners' characteristics. Grounded in Permendiknas No. 16/2007, the book highlights the importance of pedagogical competence in supporting the success of the teaching-learning process.
This book not only discusses the theory of pedagogical competence but also presents the results of supervisory research that shows how the role of supervisors in improving teaching quality. Some of the main aspects discussed in this book include:
- Understanding Learner Characteristics. Explains that each student has different learning needs and how teachers can customize teaching methods.
- Implementation of Pedagogic Competence in Teaching and Learning Activities. Provides insight into how pedagogical competencies can be applied in teaching and learning activities in the classroom.
- Impact of Pedagogical Competence. Outline the influence of mastery of pedagogical competence on the effectiveness of learning and learner development.
- Efforts to Improve Pedagogical Competence. Offers strategies that teachers can use to continuously improve their pedagogical skills.
- Emotional Quotient in Learning. Explores the importance of understanding the emotional aspects of learners and how to identify and address their learning difficulties.
The book "Kompetensi Pedagogik" is a highly recommended reading for UIN Jakarta Library Friends who want to understand more about how to improve the quality of teaching through understanding the characteristics of learners. With its research-based approach and systematic presentation, this book is a valuable reference for educators in carrying out their roles more effectively in the classroom.
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The book "Ilmu Dakwah" authored by Suhardi Diri is an interesting read for anyone who wants to understand the essence of da'wah more deeply. This book not only discusses the purpose of da'wah as a path to happiness in the world and the hereafter, but also highlights the importance of the right method in conveying Islamic teachings to mad'u (worshipers).
In this book, the author emphasizes that da'wah is not just conveying a message, but must also be done with the right strategy to be accepted by the audience. Some of the main points discussed include:
- Dai's Role in Da'wah. Dai is likened to a doctor, while mad'u is a patient who needs guidance according to his needs.
- Relevant Da'wah Material. The importance of adjusting the content of da'wah to the conditions and needs of mad'u so that the message delivered is more effective.
- The Right Method of Da'wah. Good intentions in preaching must be balanced with the right method so that there is no misunderstanding in conveying the message of Islam.
- Essential Elements of Da'wah. A preacher must understand the main elements of da'wah before starting his activities, such as knowing the audience, choosing the appropriate approach, and understanding the purpose of da'wah.
The book "Ilmu Dakwah" is very suitable for UIN Jakarta Library Friends who want to deepen their insights on how to deliver da'wah in a more effective way and according to the needs of the audience. With a logical and systematic approach, this book can be a guide for preachers, preaching students, and anyone who wants to understand the intricacies of preaching more comprehensively.
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The book Hukum Kepailitan di Indonesia: Analisis Teori dan Praktiknya as Authored by Fendy Ariyanto is a very important reference for law students, academics, and practitioners who want to understand more about bankruptcy law in Indonesia. This book not only explores the theoretical aspects, but also presents practice-based discussions that are relevant to the condition of business law in Indonesia.
This book focuses on the legal aspects of bankruptcy with an approach that combines theory and practice. Some of the main topics covered include:
- History and Scope of Bankruptcy Law in Indonesia. Explores the development of bankruptcy law from the beginning to the latest regulations.
- Legislation and Check and Balances Scheme. Explains how bankruptcy regulations in Indonesia are organized and supervised to maintain a balance between the interests of debtors and creditors.
- Securing Bankruptcy Assets and the Role of the Curator. Discusses how bankruptcy assets are secured, as well as the duties and responsibilities of the curator in the bankruptcy process.
- Third Party Property Guarantee and Separate Creditors. Explains how the rights of separatist creditors in bankruptcy and its legal implications.
- Court Decisions in Bankruptcy. Reviews various court decisions related to bankruptcy that have become important precedents in the Indonesian legal system.
With this latest e-book collection, you can access quality academic references anytime and anywhere, without the need to come to the physical library. Take advantage of the digital collection to support your academic journey. *RMr
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