Here it is, 5 Most Popular Recommendations for Tafsir al-Qur'an Books
Here it is, 5 Most Popular Recommendations for Tafsir al-Qur'an Books

perpuspedia - In general, Tafsir al-Qur'an can be interpreted as a science to understand and interpret the Qur'an and its contents. Not only scholars, but students or academics and even researchers must also understand the meaning of the Qur'an, not just the text, but must know the origin and reason why the verse can be revealed, to its fiqh.
Here it is, the 5 most popular recommendations for Tafsir Al-qur'an books in the UIN Jakarta Library collection.

Tafsir al-Asraar Jilid 5 : Kajian Tematik Ayat-ayat tentang Sosial Kemasyarakatan.  This book is part of a series of thematic commentaries written by Muslim scholars who focus on social and societal issues. The book offers interpretations of Qur'anic verses that deal with various aspects of social life and community interaction.1717562616
Thematic Approach. This book uses a thematic approach, which means that the interpretation of the Qur'anic verses is organized around a particular theme. Volume 5 specifically discusses themes related to social and societal issues, such as social justice, human relations, community welfare, and others.
Focus on social issues. In this volume, the author addresses a range of social issues relevant to the conditions of contemporary society. The Qur'anic verses discussed cover issues such as poverty, injustice, human rights, social solidarity and collective responsibility.
Extensive references. The author uses various references from classical and contemporary books of tafsir. This makes the book rich in perspectives and comprehensive analysis, by combining the views of previous scholars and modern thinkers.
Easy-to-understand language. Despite discussing complex topics, the language used in this book is quite easy to understand, making it accessible to a wide range of readers, including academics, students, and the general public who are interested in tafsir studies.
Emphasis on the principle of justice. One aspect that is often emphasized in this book is the principle of justice in society. The author highlights the importance of practicing social justice as one of the core teachings of Islam, and how the Qur'an directs humanity to create a just and prosperous society.
eng-tafsir al asraar
With its thematic approach and in-depth analysis, this book, can help readers apply the teachings of the Qur'an in the context of social life, making it a valuable resource in the study of Islam and its application in the modern world.
Find Collection >>> Tafsir al-Asraar Jilid 5 : Kajian Tematik Ayat-ayat tentang Sosial Kemasyarakatan

"Metode Tafsir Esoekletik : Pendekatan Integratif untuk Memahami Kandungan Batin al-Qur'an" This book offers a unique method of interpretation with an esoteric approach, which aims to explore the inner or spiritual meaning of the Qur'anic verses. The author emphasizes the importance of understanding the Qur'an not only from the outward side, but also from the inner aspects that are often hidden and require a special approach to be revealed. 1717576871
An Integrative Approach. One of the main advantages of this book is its integrative approach. The author combines various disciplines and methods of interpretation, including Tafsir bil Ma'tsur (interpretation based on history), Tafsir bil Ra'yi (interpretation based on thought) and Tafsir Irfani (interpretation based on Sufism and spiritual knowledge).
The inner content of the Qur'an. The author tries to invite readers to look deeper than just the text of the Qur'anic verses, by understanding the symbolism, metaphorical meanings, and spiritual messages contained therein. This esoteric approach helps readers discover new dimensions in understanding the divine message.
In-depth analysis. The book comes with an in-depth analysis of several key verses that are often the focus of esoteric studies. The author provides a detailed explanation of how each verse can be understood in a broader spiritual context and how this can be applied in everyday life.
Relevance to modern life. Despite using an esoteric approach, the author tries to maintain relevance to modern life. The book provides insights into how the spiritual teachings of the Qur'ān can be applied in a contemporary context, helping readers find peace and wisdom in everyday life.
eng-metode tafsir
A book that offers a different perspective on understanding the Qur'an. With its integrative approach and focus on the inner content, this book is a valuable resource for those who wish to delve deeper into the spiritual and esoteric meanings of Islam's holy book.
Find Collection >>> Metode Tafsir Esoekletik : Pendekatan Integratif untuk Memahami Kandungan Batin al-Qur'an

a work that critically examines the disciplines related to Qur'anic studies, known as Ulumul Qur'an. This book invites readers to reassess traditional understandings of the Qur'ān and evaluate the methods and approaches that have long been used in Qur'ānic studies.1717573727
The author criticizes and updates the way Qur'ānic studies are viewed by introducing a more textual and contextual perspective. The book seeks to explore the depths of Qur'ānic meaning with a more critical and analytical method, encouraging readers to not only accept existing interpretations, but also to understand the Qur'ānic text more deeply and broadly.
A critique of traditional methods. This book criticizes conventional methods in Ulumul Qur'an, including approaches that are considered less contextual or too rigid in the interpretation of Qur'anic texts.
Textual and Contextual Approaches. The author offers an alternative approach that is more textual and contextual, which invites readers to understand the Qur'an in the context of history, culture, and language at the time of revelation.
Analysis of Qur'anic Textuality. An in-depth discussion of the textuality of the Qur'an, including the language structure, writing style, and symbolism found in this holy book.
eng-tekstualitas al Qur'an
With its critical and innovative approach, this book not only broadens readers' horizons but also challenges them to understand the Qur'ān in a more profound and contextualized way.
Find Collection >>> Tektualitas al-Qur'an : Kritik terhadap Ulumul Qur'an

"Tafsir Tarbawi : Pesan-pesan al-Qur'an tentang Pendidikan" is a book that explores various verses of the Qur'an with a special focus on educational aspects. Written by a prominent scholar and ulama, Prof. Dr. M. Quraish Shihab, this book offers an in-depth perspective on how the Qur'an provides guidance in the field of education, both in the context of formal and informal learning.1717576980
Introduction to Education in the Qur'an. This book aims to reveal and explain the educational values contained in the Qur'an. The author attempts to show how the teachings of the Qur'an can be applied in the modern education system, and how these values can shape the character and morality of individuals and society.
Educational Methods. An analysis of the educational methods taught in the Qur'an, including the approaches used by the prophets and messengers.
Education for life. How the Qur'ān teaches the importance of knowledge for everyday life. The relationship between education and practical skill development.
eng-tafsir tarbawi
With an in-depth and relevant approach, this book not only enriches the reader's knowledge of education according to the Qur'an, but also provides inspiration to apply these values in daily life and the education system.
Find Collection >>> Tafsir Tarbawi : Pesan-pesan al-Qur'an tentang Pendidikan

"Metode Penelitian al-Qur'an dan Tafsir" This book is a comprehensive guide for researchers, students, and academics who are interested in conducting research in the field of Qur'anic studies and tafsir. In addition, it provides a systematic and structured methodological guide for those who want to conduct scientific research in the field of Qur'ān and tafsir. The author wants to ensure that researchers have a solid foundation in methodology, so that the results of their research are reliable and scientific.1717576343
Comprehensive Approach. This book covers all important aspects of Qur'anic and exegetical research methodology, providing complete guidance from the beginning to the end of the research.
Systematic Presentation. The content of the book is organized systematically and logically, making it easy for readers to follow and understand each step in the research process.
Practical Relevance. Provides concrete examples and practical applications of the theories and methods discussed, so that readers can directly apply them in their research.
eng-metlit Qur'an Tafsir
With a comprehensive and systematic approach, this book not only enriches readers' knowledge of research methodology, but also provides practical guidance to produce quality and scientific research.
Find Collection >>> Metode Penelitian al-Qur'an dan Tafsir

Each of the five tafsir books has unique advantages and characteristics, and can provide valuable insights for anyone who wants to understand the Qur'an more deeply. Choose the tafsir that best suits your needs and interests to enrich your spiritual and intellectual understanding of the Holy Qur'an. (RMr)