FRESH Visit UIN Jakarta Library, Discuss Optimization of Learning Resources
FRESH Visit UIN Jakarta Library, Discuss Optimization of Learning Resources

Gd. UIN Jakarta Library, News Online FRESH (Fatahillah Researchers for Science and Humanity) held a visit to UIN Jakarta Library, Monday (03/03), in order to discuss the optimization of learning resources for students and academics. The group led by Kholis - a student of Political Science, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP), was warmly welcomed by the Head of UIN Jakarta Library, Agus Rifai, Ph.D.

The visit aimed to discuss the optimization of learning resources, especially in facing the digitalization era and increasing access to scientific literature for students. In the heated discussion that took place, Agus Rifai, Ph.D., conveyed the importance of collaboration between libraries and academic communities in improving the quality of research and management of technology-based learning resources.

“We really appreciate this visit. Synergy with communities like FRESH can help us develop library services that are more adaptive to the needs of academics,” Agus Rifai, Ph.D. said.

Furthermore, “With the increasing need for fast and accurate information, the optimization of library services is expected to provide wider benefits for the academic community of UIN Jakarta,” added Agus Rifai.

This visit is not just a formal meeting, but the first step in building a more open and collaborative learning ecosystem. In addition, it is expected to have a positive impact on other academic communities, as well as the academic community of UIN Jakarta. *RMr

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