Discussion Community UIN Jakarta will organize a book review of “Pastikan Ikhlasmu Itu Luas” by Retno Ladyta.
Discussion Community UIN Jakarta will organize a book review of “Pastikan Ikhlasmu Itu Luas” by Retno Ladyta.

UIN Jakarta Library, News Online - Thursday, July 18, 2024, Discussion Community UIN Jakarta will organize a book review event entitled “Make Sure Your Sincerity is Wide” by Retno Ladyta. This event will take place on Friday, July 19, 2024, from 08.00 to 11.15 WIB on the 7th floor of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Library Building Jakarta.

This event aims to increase reading interest among students and deepen their understanding of the concept of sincerity raised in the book by Retno Ladyta. Through this event, participants will have the opportunity to explore various aspects of sincerity and gain new insights that can be applied in everyday life.

Najwa, a Psychology student at UIN Jakarta, as the event organizer, “This event will be a platform for students and the general public to discuss directly with the author. In the event, Retno Ladyta will explain the contents of her book in depth, accompanied by a question and answer session that allows participants to interact and dig up more information.” Najwa said.

Participants who want to join this event can register starting at 08.00 WIB. The event will be opened by remarks from the committee, followed by book presentation, question and answer session, and closing. In addition, participants will also have the opportunity to get autographs directly from Retno Ladyta and take pictures together.

"Pastikan Ikhlasmu itu Luas" Karya Retno Ladyta
is an inspiring work by Retno Ladyta that explores the concept of sincerity in everyday life. The book offers an in-depth and reflective look at how sincerity can affect various aspects of life, from personal to professional relationships.

Retno Ladyta presents a strong narrative with simple yet heartfelt language, making this book easy to understand for a wide range of people. Through a series of stories and real-life examples, the author shows that sincerity is not just an abstract concept, but a life principle that can bring peace and happiness.

One of the main strengths of this book is Retno's ability to connect the concept of sincerity with concrete situations faced daily. Readers are invited to reflect and apply the values of sincerity in real actions, so that this book not only provides insight, but also practical guidance to live more sincerely.

"Pastikan Ikhlasmu itu Luas" is a highly recommended read for anyone who wants to deepen their understanding of sincerity and seek inspiration to live life with a more sincere and open heart.

Discussion Community UIN Jakarta hopes that this event can provide benefits and inspiration for all participants, and encourage them to prioritize sincerity in every step of life. (Rizki Mulyarahman)